“There are varieties of service, but the same Lord. There are varieties of activity, but in all of them and in everyone the same God is active. In each of us the Spirit is seen to be at work for some useful purpose.”

1 Corinthinans 12:5

How to Reach Us

St. Benedict Parish, 137 Dewey Ave., Fontana, WI 53125.

Parish Office 262-275-2480 office@stbensparish.org
Our Commission

Our mission statement at St. Benedict Parish commissions us through the Gospel of Jesus to have love and compassion, be supportive, be prayerful, and to give service to all by reaching out to each other in our community and beyond.

Introduction by the Most Reverend Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B. Parish Health Ministry: A Primer for Parish Involvement- Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 1997

“As Jesus walked on this earth, His life became a flesh and blood example of God’s love for all humanity. He reached out to those He met along the way and touched them with His words and with His hands. He healed those with spiritual and physical needs. When Jesus sent out the apostles and disciples to go and minister among the people, He instructed them to heal the sick.

That same challenge applies to us today in our parishes. Where once we relied on our fine Catholic hospitals, we can no longer expect them alone to fulfill our healing mission.   Swift hospital discharges and insurance concerns complicate the lives of many of our parishioners. Our parishes have an obligation to make sure we still reach out with a healing hand to those in need.”

Our Purpose

The purpose of this ministry is to address the wholistic health needs of our congregation. It is to encompass health education, health counseling, and health care referral and advocacy. The Health Ministry Program will include:

  • Educational opportunities to make available current health information, and discussion of health topics to increase understanding of the relationship between lifestyle, faith, and well being;
  • Health counseling to increase awareness of wholistic health needs of groups and individuals and make appropriate plans;
  • Referral sources to serve as liaison to community resources and services; and
  • Health care advocacy to work with others within the Church and community to promote the concept of wholistic health care.
Parish Nurse Activities

Examples of parish nurse activities include but are not limited to:

  • Visitation during hospitalizations and follow-up visitation in person or by telephone after discharge home
  • Blood pressure screening
  • Individual support and health consultation
  • Member of the health ministry team
  • Offer presence and prayer during times of crisis or ongoing illness
  • Helps individuals find the resources they require to meet their own and family members’ needs
  • Trains volunteers to meet the needs of others
  • The focus of the parish nurse is on unmet needs of parishioners, and does not duplicate existing community services.

If you are interested in any of the services for yourself or for another member of our community, please feel free to call the parish or us and leave your name and number.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you would like to help with the ministry please call us with how you would like to participate and when you are most available.

We currently have volunteers screening blood pressures and doing home visits.

Health Link